Thursday, July 29, 2010

J.Tillman / Phosphorescent / Little Wings @ Bottom of the Hill, SF 7/29

I found J. Tillmans music last week while cruising the Daytrotter sessions. I thought he was worth a listen because he had a substantial beard, and the beard did not lead me wrong. Chicken skin all over. This guys voice is insane and his lyrics are great. Check out the song "First Born" on his Daytrotter Session from 4/18 - or this video:


His wiki page says he is the drummer for Fleet Foxes? I'm not really in to Fleet Foxes, but that is interesting. At 4pm the Bay Bridged blog's daily show listing informs me that Phosphorescent, Little Wings, and J. Tillman are playing tonight at the Bottom of the Hill, so I immediately bought tickets and headed up to one of my favorite little rock clubs ever. When I walk in the door just after 9pm, J. Tillman is already on stage and the place is really full. damn damn. Why is he opening? After I make by way past the yakking at the bar, I settle in to stand and stare with about 200 people who have various levels of jawdrop. This guy can really sing, so much control and grace. After a bunch of superb new songs, he addresses the audience in a very intimate, casual way and invites us to share comments or requests and the whole place goes dead quiet. Some clown comments that his worn red plaid shirt is nice and Josh takes an opportunity to poke fun at himself. "...This shirt says that I am a big faker... I live in an Urban area." I can tell that J. Tillman is quite sure of himself, and comfortable barring his soul up there, but he continues to jokingly self deprecate. He stops halfway through the next song and says he can't remember how to play it, and "this is not going well". Okay maybe it is getting a little awkward. He shifts tunings and plays a final song that is from one of the last two records. The audience loves him and tries to let him know.

Little Wings is up next and singer Kyle Fields is sporting a respectable beard as well. I have never heard their music. The first two songs kind of blew me away because the writing is awesome. Not your average three chord deal, not by a long long shot. Great changes and grooves with a very reserved playing style. Never too loud because he plays his SG with is fingers and a small fender champ. Kyle has a fine voice, and the vocal parts on the songs are deceivingly difficult. On the thirds song things begin to go terribly wrong. The vocals were so sour. Then there was the weird country version of some Michael Jackson song. Kyle stars acting a bit erratic and things start sounding a bit better. I definitely was not bored.

I left after 2 songs from Phosphorescent. The crowd was definitely most exited for his set, and his band is awesome. Six piece band with pedal stell and keys! Lots of sonic flexing and bravado. The two songs I heard were from his new record and they were quite good, but the sound was muddy and loud. I was tired and had to work early so I bailed.